One thing good leaders should be impatient about

When I was small I wanted to change the world.  I was impatient and I didn’t understand why people seemed to make things more complicated than they needed to be. Truth is – I’m 46 now and I haven’t grown out of it.  

I’m not out to make this another mental health blog. I think we get it.  The whole planet gets it. Mental health is the biggest disease we’ve had to face. 350 million people woke up this morning feeling like they had to run up a hill from a standing start.  For every person you’ve walked past in a wheelchair, you’ve passed 12 with the same level of disability from a mental health issue. But you didn’t see them and you certainly didn’t get to thinking about whether you could help them.

Consider mental health like a domino at the front of a long line. When it topples it impacts on risk, safety, productivity, leadership, culture, wellbeing, engagement, stress claims, retention and relationships.  I should find this a complex web but I don’t.  It’s simple.  

So back to my impatience and my frustration with us making things become harder than they really need to be. We are witnessing the area becoming like death-by-subcommittee.  Action is drowning in risk management and political correctness.  The fact is that people are struggling and I don’t think morning teas and awareness campaigns are enough anymore.  It is time to change it.

Instead of diluting my impatience I’ve decided to ask if maybe you can become impatient too. In 12 minutes you can give every employee a personalised mental health and wellbeing program direct to their device, along with Medibio’s world first objective measure of mental health. In less than 4 weeks you’ll have saved thousands of hours of productivity, reduced risk, educated employees and started conversations and a culture for less than the cost of a flu injection. 

Whether we are helping those who are struggling or protecting people from developing a mental health issue, let's cut to the chase. I forgot to add that I am competitive too.  You see, Michael Phelps, the world’s greatest ever athlete posted his congratulations to Australia for leading the world with this program this morning and it is kind of cool. 

If you’re a leader, press this button and we will send you a pack. Sign up and you are in. It’s not hard.  Get impatient. Some things are worth it. 


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