It's Time to Disrupt Psychology in Organisations

Psychological health, data and meeting the challenge to organisations When I was small, I read the story of The Emperor’s New Clothes. The Emperor was tricked into thinking his thread was visible only to the smartest people in the land. No one dared say that to their eyes the Emperor was naked (even though he actually was naked) until a small child spoke up, unencumbered by what others thought of him. The truth is, I have been designing and delivering organisational psychological health interventions for decades without really having hard data to tell me if what we were doing was enough. It’s not enough. And there are 3 things I’ve been unable to ignore: Mental health issues are increasing faster than societal awareness or our efficiency in addressing them (33% of some sectors have a diagnosable disorder, with 61% of these never receiving professional support and only 3% on average using their EAP). Stigma, lack of awareness and confidentiality ar...